SuMMeR ScenT lovers...
today was a bit tiring. i didnt go to extra class. HAHA. i was kind of happy though. it wasnt my fault. i wanted to go but sadly A.lang was a bit sick.
by the way, today i watched 'Summer Scent' my current favorite drama. the guy is so damn hot.
starring Song Seung Heun & Son Ye Jin. isnt seungheun hot?!! HAHAHA.

k.adah & a.dak told me that when they watched Summer Scent, Son Ye Jin reminded them about me? do i really look like her?
maybe i Used to. HAHA. not anymore i guess... or do i? whatever it is i LOVE LOVE LOVE this drama. you should check it out(=
more : i love Summer Scent OSTs. wonderful songs. lyrics and such. there was this one from Yiruma. my favorite pianist. the song title was Kiss The Rain. there was also a song title Say Yes, and one of the OST... the intro song, was awesome. the guy's voice was so great. awesome i say!
it sounded like Alex (WGM) but i dont really know who sang it.
there was also a song titled 'serenade' by Schubert. i fall inlove with it the first time i heard it. whatever it is I SUPPORT THIS DRAMA(: SARANG HAMNIDA!
i'm a weirdo that loves to listen to people that plays piano. i love the songs. it sounded so pure.
- well, lagu tu actually a bit slow but i like it. i really like lagu-lagu yang just piano. instrumental. and again, they sounded so pure and clean. other than the songs yang ada lyrics. sounds so noisy, though i like them too.
- i admit i sekarang seorang budak yang sangat suke dengar orang main piano. especially Yiruma. his songs rocks my socks! those kind of songs buat i relax. it felt so peaceful.
- i know i am weird. weird but AWESOME.
people yang main piano with great touches boleh buat orang menangis even bile tak de lyrics pon. ada some yang boleh buat kite gembira. i, myself can cry/smile when i dengar orang main piano. with the connection of the listener and the pianist, tears or joy/sadness can flow through your cheeks without you noticing. i noticed that... some songs succeed to make me cry and some also succeed to make me smile widely.
- over all, i can say that song played by piano is just so wonderful! daisuki! (=