Friday, May 29, 2009

today, i just finished my papers.
so, exam is over!
ye la tu...
UPSR pon belum.

today, i received two pictures from abg zizi.
akim's message and stuffs.

except, it was bigger.
i dont have to squat my eyes to read them.

awesome word eiyh!
i am telling you the truth once and for all,
two last days, someone told me they liked me.
i was shocked.
you all know I'm the the type of girl that doesn't date.
he doesn't date too.
he just wants to know whether i like him or not.
and i don't.
he was not more than a friend.
though he is a very good friend.
he is nice and cute but i never had any feelings to him.

first, i thought... [night]
"he took it very well.. he was still acting the same when he texted & called me."
but later today,
he was rather to say gloomy.
when he was with his friend,
he was laughing and smile sweetly.
but when he looked at me,
all the happiness in his face & adorable eyes
just flashed away.
we weren't this awkward before he told me the 'thing'.
I'm not regretting that he told me the 'thing'
but i think its better if he hadn't told me..
so that he wouldn't have to be
when he's with me...

Ku Berfikir,

Lelaki di akhir zaman ini

Payah untuk kutemui
Yang sentiasa bergelumang dengan majlis ilmu yang bermanfaat
Yang sanggup bersusah dan penat
Dalam mengejar dan memahami ilmu yang berkat
Yang ada kini hanyalah berbangga dengan ijazah yang ada
Tapi ilmu fardhu ainnya kosong belaka

Lelaki di akhir zaman ini
Susah untuk kutemui
Yang suka berbincang tentang ilmu akhirat
Syahid yang sentiasa menjadi matlamat
Mensyiarkan Islam dan menjunjung syariat
Yang ada cuma menghidupkan sunnah barat
Dan melupakan kehidupan akhirat

Lelaki di akhir zaman ini
Sukar untuk kutemui
Yang sentiasa bermunajat dan berzikir
Sentiasa bertafakkur dan berfikir
Sunnah Rasulullah cuba dipahat dan diukir

Namun kutetap berfikir..
pasti masih ada lagi
Lelaki di akhir zaman ini
Seperti yang kufikir..

petikan : iLuvIslam